If you don't do this, it will hold you back

I had a bit of a realisation the other day after I posted a video and reflected on how it was doing. It really made me think about something that I used to resist a lot, earlier on in my YouTube journey, because I didn’t want to make the same videos everyone else would be making.

So, the other day, I quickly put together a video about a firmware update for the Osmo Pocket 3 because it was basically a trending topic. I knew EVERYONE would be posting about it, BUT I liken a lot of YouTube channels to news outlets now.

Just because one news channel reports on something, it doesn’t mean the others will go, “Ah no, they did it I won’t bother”. They all post the same story but they each have their own different presentation and delivery style and their own commentary. It's what differentiates them from their counterparts.

Everyone has their favourites when it comes to news and will immediately go to that source to get it, or if a piece of breaking news comes up and you see the headlines from every single news outlet plastered on YouTube or Google, you’ll look for your favourite news outlet and watch/read.

I’ve started to see YouTube the exact same way now, I might do the same topic of video that EVERYONE does, but the audience will always go straight to the creator they like in hopes that they covered the topic.

So, if at any point you think you won't make a video because it's been done so many times by other creators, it’s worth doing it and being one of those channels that the audience can count on when they want the “news”. Your unique perspective, your experiences, and your opinions are why someone will want to watch your videos over someone else's.

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This made my life so much better 🥹


Most creators (myself included) won’t progress until they do this one thing