This one simple tip will make your shots look way better

If you’ve ever wondered how you can do one thing that will instantly elevate the quality of your footage, keep reading because once you know and realise just how simple it is to do, you’ll see what a difference it makes.

When I started filmmaking a few years ago, I was always trying to make every video better and learning everything I could to elevate the production quality. I wasn’t looking for Hollywood results, just anything that would make my footage look more aesthetically appealing and less like an amateur, so when I found out about depth it was a game-changer for me.

What do I mean by depth, and how do you create it?

All you have to do is have something in the foreground as close to the lens as possible so that the object is blurry and anything beyond it is sharp and in focus. It also gives your footage a professional look because it’s typically something that beginners don’t do or even know about.

When I learned this, I immediately started putting it into practice. I’d look around the environment for anything I could put between me and the main subject or background, and I immediately saw a massive difference in my footage. It became my go-to shot, something I would use all the time without really even thinking.

Check out an example here

However, this is only part of the equation because there is another thing you need in order to really sell the look. So, keep your eyes peeled for the next email and I’ll share it with you then. In the meantime…

🎬 Your Next Action Step:

Practice creating depth. You don’t even need to leave your house, you can just do it indoors with anything: a wall, a sofa, an object that you purposefully place close up in front of your lens, someone’s head, anything.


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