This was the clearest 2 minutes I’ve watched in a long time!

I want to share a gem I found last week – a video that packs a ton of value in under 3 minutes.

Thumbnails can be a real headache in the video creation process. For some, it's such a stumbling block that it delays posting their video for days, simply because they're unsure about the thumbnail design. When they finally tackle it, they usually go one of two ways: either trying to craft something creatively appealing or just grabbing a random frame from the video.

But here's a key insight: creating a thumbnail shouldn't be your last step (doing it post-video can actually make it tougher to come up with good ideas).

But in the video that I watched last week, Myron Golden nails the explanation of thumbnails and the one thing your thumbnails really need – he’s concise, clear, and it just clicks.

🎬 Your Next Action Step:

If you're just about to start working on a new video, consider thinking about the thumbnail first and try to put into practice the amazing insight that Myron Golden shared in the video.


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